We might be heading for a second civil war here in the U.S. at some point, but how likely is it really? And what can we do to prepare for it just in case something does kick-off?
Tonight I’ll be going over the Civil War possibilities, the timeline, and what we should do to protect our families and our supplies before and during a civil conflict or outright war.
I’ll also review a list of low-cost prepping supplies with multiple purposes. As preppers, we love all these supplies that have a specific purpose but can be used for other emergency applications.
A little while ago, I set up this group at Locals for Members of the Bug Out Location and fans of Survivalist Prepper. I hoped it would be a great place to interact and discuss prepping because of the rules over here that ultimately failed.
I found a solution allowing me to set up the prepping community I envisioned Locals would be on Mighty Networks. It's only been up and running for a few days, but it's already light-years ahead of Locals.
The group is a Facebook/forum hybrid where everyone can post, chat, and interact. Everything is categorized into different prepping topics, making getting the info you want easy.
Along with the stand-alone website, there is also a Mighty Networks app that makes it much easier to keep track of what's going in in the group.
You can sign up here: https://members.survivalistprepper.net/
I talked about Potassium Permanganate in last night's show. Quite a few people think it's a "prepping gimmick," but I think it's good stuff. Here are some of the uses. Has anyone ever used it, or have it? https://www.primalsurvivor.net/potassium-permanganate-survival/
Do preppers overthink their bug-out bags? How do you know you are preparing the “right” way? And why hasn’t the sky fallen yet?
Tonight we’ll have Local Prepper back on to talk about the different types of bags for preppers, how & why each prepper needs to have a different preparedness plan, and how to balance staying prepared and overreacting when it comes to the fear porn we are bombarded with on a daily basis.
In today’s podcast, I have Kevin (The Broken Nomad) on to talk about grid-down energy options & solar power. As some of you know, Kevin is in the process of setting up his van to be able to travel around the country for indefinite periods of time.
What Kevin is doing goes hand in hand with what preppers might expect if the power went out and we needed to find alternative forms of energy. While we may not travel across the country, the principal is the same in a van, a bug-out location, or your home.
I have a great guest on todays show from Defenders USA to go over the importance of firearms training and self-defense. While we will be speaking specifically to people in the preparedness community, this will be good advice for any gun owner.
As preppers, we not only need to prepare for something significant that could happen, but we also need to be ready when the unexpected happens closer to home. It’s a dangerous world we live in these days, and taking an honest look at our abilities, and working on that, is more important than ever.
I'm working on the latest version of the BOL. I'm starting from the ground up and redesigning everything, even the courses. Just like last time, all current members will be transferred over when it's ready.